Our Life & Hope Cancer Foundation is a 501 c 3 non-profit organization dedicated to providing support and resources for kids fighting Cancer.
Our Life & Hope Foundation appreciates your help and donations.
The fundraising helps us continue to provide;
* Community Healthcare Resources
* Emotional & Therapeutic Support
* Dealing with Loss & Bereavement Support
* Learning Tools to help with Stress and Anxiety
Example: Every month we are doing a Special Yoga Class teaching special "Breathing Techniques" to help you deal with stress and anxiety. This helps in the long run with your personal health in areas such as learning how to manage your anxiety and prevent you from becoming more sick and entering a stage of depression.
Become Volunteer: Join our team. We would love to have your support. Get involved in our community events and fundraisers.
Our Hope for Kids Palliative Care Hospice Program focuses on helping kids fighting a terminal disease.
Our mission is to continue to help kids and the families that need our help and support. Studies have shown that thousands of kids every year in the U.S. who are sick and dying need Palliative Care Services or Hospice Care Services however only a very small group of these sick children have special services available to them due to lack of government funding.
This is just not right!! Its just plain sad and wrong. When your child is dying you should not be worried about having enough money to be able to help and provide your child medicine or proper healthcare.
The the parents and the other children in the family also need lots of help and support during such a difficult time for the family.
We hope you can join us in continuing to help these kids and families.
Please get involved. Donate Money if you can. Volunteer. Join our team.
Do what ever you can to help this tough situation. It may be a child you don't know today, however tomorrow it may be a child you do know.
Copyright Life & Hope Foundation. All rights reserved.